【分享】在強勁節拍音樂和夜光的房間裡踏單車 XYZ Indoor Cycling Studio

今天終於第一次去XYZ indoor cycling studio 做運動﹐超爽的。
因為很多朋友都跟我說這運動挺劇烈﹐連「大隻仔」朋友 (不開名) 第一次玩都覺得辛苦﹐還沒去以前的確是有點緊張的。

座落於中環新世界大廈的XYZ studio﹐環境挺簡約。

一課 50分鐘。


Studio 有提供大小毛巾﹐風筒﹐洗頭水﹐護髮素﹐沖涼梘等等;
所以來XYZ 運動其實只需帶備自己的運動衫褲和襪子即可。

注意: 遲到朋友不可內進啊!

It was my first time to XYZ indoor cycling studio today!
Many friends actually told me how intense the classes could be, so I was kind of nervous before I went.

The studio I've been today located in Central.
As a first time rider here, thanks to my friends and very friendly staff for their help.

We cycled in a room with dim light and energetic upbeat music.
While cycling with movements, we also trained up our arms and abs.

The environment feels like an escape from stressful daily life, and all I have to do is just working out.
Instructor was very nice and motivating! I just didn't think of giving up!
Though t's not as intense as my friends said, it is still intense but enjoyable.

After spinning we went for shower.
There are towels, hairdryer, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and body lotion etc available.
Special shoes for cycling are also provided.
So workout outfit is all you need to bring with you.

It was FUN honestly!
Go and try, and tell me how you feel.

And please be PUNCTUAL.
As latecomers may not be allowed to enter classroom.
