【香港好去處】隱世鄉郊咖啡廳 - 森林咖啡 Forest cafe


香港地方明明這麼小, 也許是生活習慣問題吧?!
要搭一小時車的地方, 總是覺得很遠。哈哈!

早幾天碰巧到大埔區工作, 特意來到這個隱世鄉郊咖啡廳 - 森林咖啡 (Forest Cafe)。

Today I would like to share a good place to go in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is actually a very small city.
But somehow I find places really far, if it takes nearly or over an hour to travel.

Since I had work in Tai Po couple days ago, I decided to visit this beautiful "Forest cafe".

Photos just look good themselves in front of this white wall made of bricks.

Music was played by vinyl record-player, and it is so relaxing to listen to.

I had a chicken burger which was good! It's even better having my food in this great environment.

然後試試用相機 effect 拍下周圍環境。
I also tried out with some effects in my camera. ;P   

*在不打擾民居的情況下, 車可以泊在咖啡廳門口, 非常方便。
It's very convenient for parking, drivers can park in front of the cafe.

Forest Cafe 森林咖啡

地址: DD19 段, Lam Kam Rd, Tai Po
Tel:  98690173
